Category: Security

Appcheck – automated penetration testing software.

With the digital landscape constantly evolving, cyber security must be at the forefront of any IT
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What’s the difference between managed IT support and professional services?

The terms ‘managed IT support’ and ‘professional services’ are not new. But with IT
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What your organisation needs to know about Cyber Essentials certification.

In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a top priority for companies of all sizes and
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Central shares 2023 cybersecurity predictions with TechRound.

Our service desk manager, Nick Bowling, recently shared his cybersecurity predictions with
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Five ways IT outsourcing can help combat social housing skills shortages.

The shortage of high-level talent in the social housing sector is well documented – with 71% of
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Is your charity cyber secure enough?

To say cyber-attacks can be devastating is an understatement. But when you consider how underfunded
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Five benefits of Microsoft Teams Voice for business.

As technology continues to advance at pace, we’re seeing what were once pinnacles of innovation
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Apple iOS security vulnerabilities highlight the importance of proactive software patching.

Tracked as CVE-2022-32894, the first vulnerability which the update is set to fix is situated in
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Choosing the right multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution.

One of the biggest shortcomings of user ID and password logins from tech users across the globe is
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Five myths about outsourced IT, debunked.

As the digital world continues to evolve, an unrelenting demand for technology-enabled change has
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