IT’s who you know! At Central, we work with a network of partners to ensure all our clients have access to the best possible IT expertise and specialist services. If we don’t offer something you need, you can be sure we work with someone who does. And our deep relationships mean their services will always blend seamlessly into your overall IT management strategy.

Systems security is often overlooked, even by some of the biggest organisations, but the number of cyber threats is constantly growing and becoming ever more sophisticated. Businesses face these dangers daily and effects can range from minor security breaches to the total shutdown of operations – and commensurate damage to their brands and business.

That is why Central partners with Appcheck, the leading automated penetration testing tool trusted by some of the world’s best-known brands including eBay, Microsoft, Capita and Skype – to ensure risks are identified and acted on.

Our partner Appcheck

The partnership will ensure Central’s clients are leading the way in security standards in their industries and give them peace of mind when it comes to outside threats to their IT systems.

Appcheck has been keeping companies secure online for more than 20 years. Established in 2003, the UK-based company automates the discovery of security flaws in organisations, websites, applications, networks and cloud infrastructure.

Specialising in testing complex websites and applications, Appcheck goes beyond the detection of attacks with known signatures. Appcheck can detect some of the hardest-to-reach security flaws with a first-principles methodology that sets them apart from their rivals.

The solution

AppCheck provides a comprehensive scanning platform covering the entirety of the organisation’s IT infrastructure. Created by penetration testing experts, it gives businesses the tools they need not only to identify but also to rectify any weak spots in their security.

Appcheck are experts at spotting any vulnerabilities and  identifying areas that could be exploited by the malign use of new technology. At Central, we know that to live up to our commitment to futureproofing we must always be alert to cyber threats and the evolving technology used by their perpetrators. Thanks to this partnership, our clients can be confident in the security of their IT systems. IT’s safe with Central and Appcheck.

To talk to us about penetration testing, or any other IT requirements you might have call 01706 747477 or email

Molesworth case study

Molesworths is a firm of solicitors in Rochdale that has been providing legal advice to the local community for more than 180 years.

The company supports businesses and individuals with legal problems and major transactions, from a house move or relationship breakdown to an employment issue or business sale.


Molesworths’ existing IT infrastructure was nearing the end of its useful life. Among other issues, the servers were old and almost out of support, and connectivity was unreliable. A relocation to new premises presented the ideal opportunity for the firm to revamp its IT.

However, it was not a simple case of ‘out with the old, in with the new.’ Moving is one of the most stressful events in people’s lives, and relocating to a new office is no different, especially when your new ‘home’ – a former bank – is Grade II listed and has been vacant for years. 

Unforeseen problems with the building delayed the move and IT go-live dates multiple times. Conservation issues, including the discovery of bats in the roof, caused delays in the renovation work. Progress was also stalled by the age of the building, specifically the thickness of the walls, which presented challenges when it came to installing fibre.


However, Central’s meticulously planned, phased approach helped minimise the impact of the disruption. The upgrade was rolled out over two years, with only the final elements completed in the weeks and days before the physical move.

“There was no big bang,” says Central Client Director Mike Dunleavy.

“It wasn’t a case of ‘we show up on Monday, we’re in a new office, and we have all these new IT systems to contend with.’ We factored in the main changes before the physical move, which removed a lot of the pain for the users.”

Central upgraded the company’s server infrastructure and migrated its data to Central’s private cloud service in a local tier-three data centre, significantly increasing physical and virtual security and improving performance and resilience. 

An upgrade to a Cisco Meraki enterprise solution enhanced connectivity and provided better control over guest access, an important safeguard when clients visit the office.

Completing the refresh, Central upgraded the hardware used by Molesworths’ 30+ staff and installed a new VoIP telephone system. 


Throughout the project, Central overcame the challenges posed by the move to deliver the best possible outcome for Molesworths. Dunleavy recalls juggling the changing dates to ensure that the company had the connectivity it needed without paying for it twice – in both the old and new buildings.

The result has been a smooth transition to a high-performing IT system that complements Molesworths’ smart new high street presence and can support its business needs for the foreseeable future. Its new set-up has significantly improved security, performance and speed, with an Internet connection that is ten times faster than in the old office.

Paul Dixon, one of the partners at Molesworths, says, “Our move to new offices was a significant project that called for a more advanced IT system, and that’s exactly what Central has delivered. We now have a modern set-up that’s efficient, stable, secure and fit for the future delivery of legal services.

“Aside from Central’s IT expertise, their flexibility was exceptional. We had to postpone the go-live date three times due to various issues with the refurbishment, but Central took it all in their stride. Their can-do attitude and ability to adapt meant one less headache at a stressful time. They are also great people to work with.” 

With the digital landscape constantly evolving, cyber security must be at the forefront of any IT strategy. Central has recently partnered with AppCheck, an automated penetration testing tool. The partnership will ensure Centrals clients are leading the way within their industry for security standards.

Why Cyber Security Is More Crucial Now Than Ever

The digital era has brought about an increase in cyber threats, making businesses of all sizes potential targets with the latest Verizon data breach report highlighting exploitation of vulnerabilities as one of the primary factors an attacker would use to gain access to an organisation. Thorough and consistent vulnerability assessments are the best solution for staying ahead of potential breaches. AppCheck Offers an automated solution to regularly test and identify vulnerabilities making it essential in a businesses cyber defence strategy.

The Power of AppCheck: Comprehensive Cybersecurity at Your Fingertips

AppCheck stands out with its comprehensive scanning platform covering your whole infrastructure created by penetration testing experts. This gives businesses the tools they need to identify and rectify vulnerabilities in there IT effectively.

Enhanced Vulnerability Detection and Management

The platform offers an extensive set of features including website/web application, API and network infrastructure vulnerability testing. With the ability to schedule scans businesses can ensure they are detecting and addressing security issues, maintaining a strong defence against cyber threats. Rescan capabilities ensure that your remediation was successful and there is no longer a risk to your business. 

Your Next Step in Cybersecurity

Central's partnership with AppCheck aligns with our commitment to providing future-proof, comprehensive IT solutions to our clients.

Don't wait for a cyber threat to expose your vulnerabilities. Strengthen your defences now with the advanced, automated penetration testing services provided by Central and AppCheck.

Contact us today to schedule your AppCheck demo, to conduct a free vulnerability assessment with AppCheck and take your cybersecurity to the next level.

Central Networks and Technologies (Central) has recently announced the addition of two new members to its growing team. The recruitment of James Clarke as a technical engineer and James Robertson as a third line support engineer signifies Central's commitment to expanding its workforce and strengthening its capabilities to better serve its clients.

With the arrival of James Clarke, the firm gains a skilled technical engineer who brings a wealth of experience to the table. James started his career as an internal systems administrator and has since honed his expertise at various organisations, including Lima Networks and Frontline Consultancy and Business Services. His background in social housing and his extensive knowledge of cloud computing and virtualisation software Citrix make him an invaluable asset to the engineering team. James will primarily focus on project work, such as upgrading clients' Citrix environments and ensuring increased capacity to meet the growing demands of the industry. 

Also joining Central, James Robertson assumes the role of third line support engineer. With an impressive career spanning several decades, James brings a vast wealth of experience to the team. His previous role as a senior support and network engineer at Working IT Solutions and his speciality expertise as a senior engineer position him as a seasoned professional in the field. James will serve as a senior figure on the service desk, offering his expertise and guidance to the team while mentoring and upskilling other staff members.

"We are thrilled to welcome James Clarke and James Robertson to our team," said Nick Bowling, service desk manager at, Central Networks and Technologies. "Their extensive experience and commitment to excellence align perfectly with our company's goals. With their addition, we can continue to deliver exceptional technology solutions to our clients while further expanding our capabilities.”

Here at Central, people are at the heart of the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of everything we do.

We started out on our IT journey back in 1991, and our mission and ethos haven’t changed. We’re a family-run firm that pride ourselves on our integrity, honesty, and objectivity – and we make IT stress free by keeping it as simple as possible.

But it’s our employees who make this all possible. Get to know them more in our spotlight.

Name: Brad Jackson.

Job title: Service desk engineer.

Department: Service desk.

Sum up your role at Central in one sentence:

Providing remote and on-site technical support to our customers.

What three words would your colleagues use to describe you?

Positive. Friendly. Technical.

And what do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the different technologies that I get exposed to each day at Central.

Check your phone, what was the last emoji you sent?

Crying emoji 😭 (my football team lost 4-0).

Who was or is your biggest inspiration?

My parents — they always worked hard to make sure we had everything we needed.

You’re hosting a three-course dinner party, what’s on the menu?

Black pudding starter, steak and ale pie with thick cut chips and gravy for main, and cheesecake for dessert.

Back to Central, what makes the company stand out?

We have the resources and flexibility to be more agile when reacting to customers' needs, and can provide services that firms might not get at a larger MSP.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself we might not know:

I once unknowingly hiked a trail in Canada’s rocky mountains that had been closed due to attacks by a pack of wolves that had moved into the area.

What would the title of your autobiography be?

Permatired: The Dad Years.

Central’s mission is to ‘put IT at the heart of business’ – tell us more about what this means to you:

It means providing a reliable service to fit our customers’ unique needs, so they can be confident that their IT operations are in good hands.

As we hurtle full speed towards a technology-driven future, BT Openreach’s Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is approaching its final days. The impending PSTN switch-off carries significant implications across various industries, and the social housing sector is no exception. But for many associations, a lack of awareness about the topic presents serious risks of being left behind, and losing all services that remain reliant on legacy products.

Delving into the dynamics of the transition and its importance in the realm of social housing, our operations director John Blackburn uncovers some of the strategies required to thrive, and explores how managed service providers (MSPs) can help facilitate a seamless shift…

For decades, the PSTN has been the backbone of our telecommunication infrastructure — enabling traditional landline phone connections over a wired network. However, advancements in technology, the rise of digital communication platforms, and the demand for more efficient and cost-effective solutions have since rendered the traditional PSTN system obsolete.

What does the PSTN switch-off mean for social housing?

Marking a monumental shift towards modern alternatives like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and cloud-based communication systems, the December 2025 switch-off carries both challenges and opportunities for organisations across the UK. The PSTN switch-off is not merely about replacing outdated systems but embracing a transformative future.

Within social housing specifically the adoption of advanced communication technologies like Unified Communications (UC) presents a more reliable and effective engagement channel for tenants, helps streamline operations with enhanced efficiency and collaboration, and enables providers to deliver more innovative services like video conferencing and virtual maintenance requests, for example.

Cloud-based systems also offer scalability, flexibility, and enhanced data security for the nation’s housing associations. These advancements empower social housing providers with greater expenditure visibility and control, with services able to be expanded or reduced in accordance with requirements, as well as eliminating the need for substantial upfront infrastructure investments.

Robust data security measures boasted by digital tools also help demonstrate firms’ ongoing commitment to safety, privacy, and compliance — which has become increasingly crucial when obtaining cyber insurance in the sector.

The role of an MSP in facilitating a smooth transition.

To navigate the complexities of the PSTN switch-off, IT professionals must be proactive in upgrading their skill sets and knowledge base. As well as familiarising themselves with the emerging technologies that will replace legacy phone systems, they should understand the intricacies of managing and maintaining them.

Engaging in training programmes, attending industry conferences, and staying connected with professional networks can help shed more light on best practices for a seamless transition to cloud-based communication systems. To ensure technology strategies also align with wider business objectives, it’s also important to collaborate with other departments and organisations throughout every step of the process.

Reducing the headache of these responsibilities, MSPs act as a central hub of information to advise on all aspects of the PSTN switch-off and cloud products. Bringing extensive experience and expertise in managing complex technology transitions, they can safeguard business continuity, and provide cost-effective solutions.

Available individually as a consultant or to manage the end-to-end process, an MSP can assist in assessing current telecommunication infrastructure, devising a roadmap for the transition, implementing new systems, and providing ongoing support and maintenance. This collaborative approach allows housing associations to focus on their core operations, with peace of mind that their entire tech estate remains up-to-date and compliant.

So, how do you choose the right IT partner? Don’t just take their word for it…

With the previous Cisco telephony system having been embedded for over a decade, transitioning a 450-strong team of social housing professionals (and growing!) to Microsoft Teams Voice for Eastlight Community Homes was no mean feat. But it wasn’t Central’s first rodeo either. Keen to explore how we facilitated the transition? Catch the full case study here, to get a flavour of our reputation and expertise.

Looking for flexible, customer-focused IT support to aid your housing association’s digital transformation? Let’s talk.

From smart devices and artificial intelligence, to machine learning, big data, and more, technology is evolving at an astonishing pace – meaning that the investments you put into your IT department today, may not be enough to meet the demands of tomorrow.

So, how can the sector’s professionals be sure what they’re currently working with is truly up to scratch? Jordan Gallier, Central’s technical architect and engineering team lead, explores…

Firms' tech stacks comprise various interconnected components — including hardware, software, networks, and security systems — that work together to support day-to-day operations and enable seamless communication, data management, and overall productivity. Each component plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability, scalability, and security of the IT infrastructure.

Over time, this complex ecosystem can become susceptible to issues such as outdated technology, security vulnerabilities, and performance bottlenecks. That’s why carefully selecting and regularly maintaining each component is key. Here are just some of the ways IT infrastructure audits play a central role in evaluating the health of your systems:

Six tips for auditing your IT infrastructure

For organisations without a technical specialist to front the process, knowing where to start when analysing the health of your company’s IT infrastructure can be daunting. Using the following recommendations, firms can gain valuable insights, enhance system integrity, and ensure their technology backbone is in optimal shape for daily operations.

1. Perform comprehensive audits

Start by conducting thorough audits of your hardware, software, and network configurations. This process involves reviewing equipment, licences, warranties, and documentation to identify any gaps or areas needing improvement.

2. Evaluate system performance

Utilise monitoring tools to assess the performance of your servers, network, and applications. Analyse metrics such as response times, bandwidth utilisation, and resource usage to identify bottlenecks and optimise performance.

3. Review security measures

Regularly assess your security protocols — including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. Stay up-to-date with the latest security patches and ensure that your data backup and disaster recovery plans are robust and tested regularly.

4. Keep software up-to-date

Outdated software can pose security risks and hinder productivity. Regularly review your software stack — including operating systems, applications, and firmware — and ensure that you have a strategy in place for timely updates and patches.

5. Consider the cloud

Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and enhanced security for many organisations. Assess whether migrating some or all of your infrastructure to the cloud can help optimise your operations, reduce costs, and increase resilience. If you’re not sure, get in touch and we’d be happy to walk you through the benefits.

6. Seek professional assistance

Engaging a reliable managed IT services provider like Central can provide expert guidance and support throughout the assessment process. Our 30+ years of technical expertise can help identify areas of improvement and implement best practices tailored to your specific requirements. 

Remember, technology is constantly evolving, so regular evaluations are essential to stay ahead of the curve. At Central , we're here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to discover how our managed IT services can help you keep your IT infrastructure in top shape.

Housing association, Eastlight Community Homes, enhances internal and external communications with a unified communications system.

Recently in Housing Executive our operations director John Blackburn outlined some of the biggest IT challenges facing the social housing sector and the role that outsourcing could play in resolving them.

When it comes to IT provision, housing associations (HAs) aren’t known for their big budgets, and there is increasing pressure to streamline systems and demonstrate greater return on investment. However, privy to large amounts of sensitive data, they still need access to high-quality, robust tech support.

Achieving budgetary and operational efficiency

Managing a range of complex, integrated systems and portals is no easy task for social housing IT professionals. And with an increasing number of daily help desk tickets being raised — comprising login queries, authentication issues, antivirus questions, and more — everything can rapidly feel like a competing priority.

Enlisting the help of an experienced IT partner — whether for help desk requests and security, or larger technology integration and transition projects — can bring significant financial and operational benefits.

Offering the ability to scale up or down as required, it means housing associations have the support they need, and only pay for what they require at that moment in time – with the guarantee that the resource will be readily available.

It is commonly misconceived that outsourcing IT replaces in-house teams. The reality is the two can, and should, complement and enhance one another. With external assistance, internal teams can afford the time and headspace to focus on the core business applications and tactical future of the HA’s tech stack, without getting engrossed in help desk issues.

Overcoming recruitment challenges

The shortage of high-level talent within IT teams and beyond is a growing concern for social housing organisations across the UK. Not having the right personnel in place can greatly impede growth, stifle efficiencies and productivity, and result in spiralling recruitment fees. And this will remain a reality if a solution is not found.

To help avoid skills shortages within technology departments, outsourced teams could hold the answer – whether temporarily or permanently.

As experienced specialists who are highly skilled in their role, they can be engaged at short notice to bring an immediate solution to an urgent project need. Furthermore, outsourced teams regularly work across a spectrum of clients and industries, which means they can use knowledge and learnings from other projects to help quickly solve persistent issues. 

Ensuring a strong security posture

The dramatic shift to more flexible, hybrid, and digitally focused ways of working means that effective cyber security strategies are essential — enabling full visibility over software and hardware updates, antivirus technology, firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and more. But it also affords more secure access control – ensuring only authorised personnel within the organisation can gain entry to sensitive data.

Specialist outsourced IT support can also work with housing associations to improve the performance of virtual and physical servers, including when they should be backed up and at what frequency — whilst also devising a robust recovery plan. This details the steps to be taken to regain access and functionality to IT infrastructure — following events such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or business disruptions. For example, in the case of a hacking attempt, what data protection measures will the recovery team have in place to respond?

By having processes and procedures for a disaster recovery plan set up, and regularly testing and optimising security and data protection strategies, social housing providers can successfully navigate such challenges.

Obtaining peace of mind

Against the current backdrop of IT-resource challenges and economic uncertainty, having the flexible, specialist support of outsourced IT can not only alleviate some of the burden but boost efficiency too – providing housing associations with the peace of mind that their IT infrastructure is fit for purpose both in the present and for the future. 

In a digital-dependent world, the social housing sector is under more pressure than ever to streamline IT infrastructure, to ensure technology brings benefits across every department. So, what are the main IT challenges faced by the industry and, with limited financial resources, how can you tackle them head on?

Our operations director, John Blackburn, outlines some key IT hurdles and how working with a trusted technology partner can help you overcome them.

Challenge 1: Reliable IT infrastructure

A strong IT infrastructure is essential for success. Outdated legacy software could mean your IT network is underperforming, be unsuitable for your evolving needs, and have flaws leading to several hidden security risks.

Before upgrading or replacing infrastructure, you first need to gain an accurate picture of what infrastructure you currently have, what works well, and what needs improving – along with being clear on what the end-goal looks like.

Challenge 2: Security threats

Sadly, every organisation is likely to encounter a security threat at some point, whether through natural disaster, or for personal data through phishing, hacking or malware that seeks to disrupt the information technology infrastructure. Therefore, being able to keep networks protected should be a priority for IT teams – no matter where staff are located.

Challenge 3: Backup and disaster recovery

Your data is one of the most valuable assets your organisation has. If that data is lost, it could have devastating effects for your reputation, operations, and bottom line. Therefore, it is essential that you have a reliable disaster recovery plan in place. This details the steps to be taken to regain access and functionality to IT infrastructure after events like a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or business disruption.

By having processes and procedures in place, and regularly testing and optimising security and data protection strategies, social housing providers can successfully navigate this challenge. While this might seem to be a complex or overwhelming task, with the support of trusted experts, implementing an effective backup and disaster recovery strategy will be stress free.

Challenge 4: Cost management in the cloud

Factors such as remote working, cyber security, data handling, and safe storage have led many housing associations to adopt cloud-based platforms over recent years to help them work seamlessly and securely. Cloud subscriptions are a significant expenditure within your IT budget, and if you’re not organised in your approach to using it, you risk losing control of your cloud spend.

As usage increases across different teams and departments, the overheads of using the chosen platform can grow rapidly. In addition, Microsoft recently implemented an extensive shake-up of its software licensing arrangements, with a price increase on some of its most popular subscriptions.

To control costs, housing associations should tap into the expertise of a trusted IT partner who can help you understand the difference between the various cloud management systems and licence options available. They can also help you save money on maintenance, unused services, or unnecessary add-ons, to get the best out of your cloud management platform.

Challenge 5: Having a clear IT strategy

Straightforward implementation of IT systems can pave the way for cost-savings, modernisation, and agile working. It’s vital that all elements work together, and that you have a roadmap for your technical approach, to prepare your business for future challenges and support scaling operations. Having a technology partner who specialises in consultancy services will provide clarity and direction for your strategy.

If you need assistance overcoming any of these IT challenges, get in touch with Central Networks today. We pride ourselves on being a strategic technology partner with a human touch — making IT stress free. You can also find out more about the projects we’ve worked on with other social housing providers, here!


Central Networks are a strategic technology partner. Excellent technology is a given, customer service, trust and long-term relationships are what drive our business. We support CEOs, Heads of IT, IT technicians and transformation directors to ensure technology provides an edge to their organisations.

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