Employees — Andrew Walker.

Here at Central, people are at the heart of the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of everything we do.

We started out on our IT journey back in 1991, and our mission and ethos haven’t changed. We’re a family-run firm that pride ourselves on our integrity, honesty, and objectivity – and we make IT stress free by keeping it as simple as possible.

But it’s our people who make this all possible. Get to know them more in our staff spotlight.

Name: Andrew Walker
Job title: Technical Engineer
Department: Engineering

Sum up your role at Central in one sentence:

A very technical, hands-on role. whether I’m travelling across the country to attend customer sites and perform new instals and implementations, or assisting the service desk with specialist queries — I’m always keen to get involved.

What three words would your colleagues use to describe you?

Knowledgeable. Helpful. Enthusiastic.

And what do you enjoy most about your job?

The variety – no two days are ever the same. I don’t think I could sit behind the same desk day in and day out. From visiting different places and meeting new people to experiencing new situations and surroundings, the sense of diversity in my role is truly fulfilling.

Check your phone, what was the last emoji you sent?

Three laughing emojis — 😂😂😂.

Who was or is your biggest inspiration?

My son. He is the sweetest, most charming, and funniest little boy (doesn’t every parent say that about their kids!). He makes me so proud every day, and I hope he looks up to me like I look up to him (literally… he’s seven and nearly as tall as me!).

You’re hosting a three-course dinner party, what’s on the menu?

Nachos with sour cream and salsa dips for starter, homemade spaghetti bolognese — topped with mature cheddar cheese and paired with fresh garlic bread — for main, and apple crumble and ice cream for dessert.

Back to Central, what makes the company stand out?

We’re big enough to cope, but small enough to care. Everyone at Central works very closely together, with the ultimate goal of supporting our clients with their overarching IT and tech needs. We’re a group of likeminded professionals, and the enthusiasm and commitment that we all share is second to none. We get to know our customers very well and do everything we can to make them feel like more than just a ticket.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself we might not know:

I’ve been featured in the newspaper twice, and been on TV once — although not for the same reason.

What would the title of your autobiography be?

Life is a rollercoaster and we’re all here for the ride.

Central’s mission is to ‘restore faith in IT’ – tell us more about what this means to you:

IT is such a minefield, and with so many different fields under the same umbrella, it can be difficult to manage and control every aspect. The skillset of Central’s engineers and broad experience of working with so many different organisations allows us to recommend products and solutions to suit their bespoke requirements perfectly.

The customer no longer has to spend time researching and testing different products to find one that may fit. They can be confident in our ability to provide a solution and present it in a way that instils them with confidence, and allows them instead to focus on truly revenue-generating tasks internally. 

If you’d like to receive more news and updates from the Central team, why not head over to our Twitter page or connect with us on LinkedIn?

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